Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Monotypes and Chine Colle in Medford

Last month I was lucky enough to be able to take a three week class and workshop with Nancy Jo Mullen in her studio. This workshop was my reintroduction to printmaking which I have essentially been away from for 10 years. When I walked into Nancy Jo's studio I was greeted by all the familiar smells from my days as a studio lab assistant at Santa Barbara City College. The class was so much fun and all the other gals made for such a supportive atmosphere, I am inspired to get my main studio cleaned out, my press set up and get back into printing. Here are a few examples of prints from the class and workshop and you can see the rest here...

Now I am very excited about the possibilities for combining the printmaking with my fiber design and then throwing encaustic into the mix. It seems there's a great circle here Fiber>Printmaking, Printmaking>Encaustic, Encaustic>Fiber. So hopefully will begin a few experiments to see what I can come up with in those combinations. I'll also report on how the studio remodel is going. For now, here is what my work area looks like. Shocking!!

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